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Market Supporting Services Urge Junfa · New Luosiwan to Resume Operation !

On March 8, Junfa · New Luosiwan International Trade City officially opened to welcome guests. Relevant supporting facilities of industrial chain such as catering and accommodation, transportation and...
2020-03-18 1083

Square away! Junfa · New Luosiwan International Trade City Opens Today!

On March 8, 2020, under the overall arrangement and careful guidance of Kunming Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and Guandu Dis...
2020-03-11 1137

Instructions for Work Resumption of Junfa · New Luosiwan International Trade City !

Dear merchants:     In order to implement the deployment of government departments at all levels in Yunnan Province on the prevention and control of COVID-1...
2020-02-28 1431

Junfa · New Luosiwan won another honor!

On December 27, 2019, the "Symposium on the Construction of Key Markets in the National Commodity Ex...
2019-12-27 1102

The "Circle of Friends" of Junfa · New Luosiwan has been further expanded!

    In order to deeply participate in the construction of "the Belt and Road Initiative" and promote and deepen the economic and trade cooperation between Junfa ·New Luosiwan and n...
2019-11-28 847

Junfa · New Luosiwan again won a great honor.

From November 20 to 22, 2019, the "70th Anniversary of the Founding of New China · National Commod...
2019-11-22 960

More Fashionable | Area A-D of Phase I Junfa · New Luosiwan has taken on a new look with stunning and bright profile!

        All fashion gathers to make a stage pose to step into the future! On October 1, 2019, the beautiful day when the whole country celebrated the 70th anniv...
2019-10-01 832

Make donation to charity for targeted poverty alleviation and send support to families in need on the Eve of Spring Festival

      In order to further carry forward China's traditional virtues of helping the poor and needy, perform the helpin...
2019-01-18 836

Junfa New Luosiwan Phase III Bedclothes Area Opens Grandly!

At the beginning of the New Year, Junfa · New Luosiwan International Trade City ushered in a great quality upgrade. At 1...
2019-01-18 832

Yunshang Allied Supermarket Supply Chain Officially Opens in Junfa · New Luosiwan International Trade City

       On October 10, Yunshang Allied Supermarket Supply Chain officially opened on the 4th floor of Sector 17 in Pha...
2018-10-12 801

Zhonghao Luosiwan International Trade City was officially renamed Junfa · New Luosiwan International Trade City

      On September 16, Junfa Group and Austie Industry held a press conference in Kunming themed by "City Innovation ...
2018-09-26 778
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